
a town park has 2 biking trails. Marsh Trail is 5 and three over ten miles long. Woodland trail is 2 and 4 over 5 miles long. How much longer is Marsh Trail than Woodland trail?

Accepted Solution

Marsh Trail is longer than Woodland trail by 2.5 milesStep-by-step explanation:A town park has 2 biking trails1. Marsh Trail is 5 and three over ten miles long2. Woodland trail is 2 and 4 over 5 miles longWe need to find that Marsh Trail is how much longer than Woodland trailTo do that we will subtract the length of the Woodland trail from thelength of the Marsh Trail∵ The length of Marsh Trail is 5 and three over ten miles- 5 and three over ten = [tex]5\frac{3}{10}[/tex]∵ [tex]\frac{3}{10}[/tex] = 0.3∴ [tex]5\frac{3}{10}[/tex] = 5.3 miles∵ The length of Woodland trail is 2 and 4 over 5 miles- 2 and 4 over 5 = [tex]2\frac{4}{5}[/tex]∵ [tex]\frac{4}{5}=\frac{4*2}{5*2}=\frac{8}{10}[/tex] = 0.8∴ [tex]2\frac{4}{5}[/tex] = 2.8∴ The difference = 5.3 - 2.8∴ The difference = 2.5 milesMarsh Trail is longer than Woodland trail by 2.5 milesLearn more:You can learn more about fractions and decimals in brainly.com/question/1648978#LearnwithBrainly